I used plain construction paper, tape, hot glue, and twine. Every square was 9x9 inches. I secured the flags to a piece of white paper folded over the twine, then hot glued them in place so they wouldn't slide all over. The flags spell out her name, which I thought was pretty clever, if I do say so myself.

I procrastinated really bad and didn't do the cookies until the last minute.

I consider myself a hobbyist cake artist, so her cake was the focal point of the table. Most nautical cakes have anchors or boats on them, and ocean cakes usually have waves, the usual sea life (fish, octopi, sea turtles, etc.), and/or sea shells. I wanted her cake to be different and unique, and she already had a super cute birthday outfit with baby seal on them.

These marshmallow pops were inspired by this pin. I didn't think cheese Goldfish really went well with delicious marshmallows, so I used s'mores Goldfish instead. In my opinion, it tasted much better than it would have with the cheese.
She wanted to get her hands on that cake so bad.
I made the photo booth in the spare area in our living room. I simply folded a dollar store table cloth in half and put it up with duct tape. The store also had construction paper sea animals which I taped to the tablecloth. The "waves" were made with blue streamers taped from top to bottom. It was really cute, and I wish I had gotten a picture of the whole thing. Kali wouldn't sit still enough to get a good picture of her in front of it.
Overall, it was a cute party, and instead of a formal party, we all just hung out while the kids played outside. I shouldn't have stressed so much over such a small party, but I thought more people would show up. Either way, I loved doing it because I got some good pictures, and I'm sure Kali will appreciate it in the future. I will definitely hold off on doing a big party again until we're back home and more people, including family, can attend. Oh, the fun life of being a military family.
I hope I inspired you to go just a little crazy for your kids' birthday. Even a small party can look amazing, especially on a tight budget.

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